Try the Potter’s Wheel One Day Class Mar. 16 W25
with Malley Weber
March 16th, 2025
Have you ever wanted to try the potter's wheel? Sign up for our two-hour "Try-It Night". With the help of a teaching artist and some clay, you'll be shown how to center and pull the clay up to make a vessel. Great for families and friends! Bring an apron, trim those fingernails, pull your long hair back, and dress for a mess! This class includes a two-hour session and one or two finished pieces. Depends on how you do! If you make more than two and love all the lumpy children equally and want to keep them, each additional piece is $10.
Finished work will be ready for pickup after 4-6 weeks during regular class times or by appt. Usually, pieces are ready mid-month the month following your class date.
This class requires a 48-hour advance notice for cancellations. Kennebec Clay Works is operated by Ceramic Artist and Educator, Malley Weber. KCW has many great instructors.
For more information please visit